 Audio 1 29.01.2005  

Audio 1 Panel

The Audio 1 Panel controls among others, volume of the selected radio channel. Further setting are made with the UFH- and Audio 2 Panels. This panel is located on the left console.

The panel and his elements
Drawings from the Audio 1 Panel
Pictures from the Audio 1 Panel

The panel and his elements

Audio 1

Element Type Position Information
COMM 1 Rotary pot OFF - INC The COMM 1 power knob has an OFF position and a cw arrow pointing to INC. The OFF position removes power from the UHF radio. Rotating the knob cw applies power and increases UHF audio volume.
COMM 2 Rotary pot OFF - INC The COMM 2 power knob has an OFF position and a cw arrow pointing to INC. The OFF position removes power from the VHF radio. Rotating the knob cw applies power and increases VHF audio volume.
COMM 1 Mode Rotary push switch
(3x45 deg)
Push Depressing the knob interrupts reception and transmits a tone signal and TOD for HQ on the selected frequency.
OFF Disables squelch circuit to permit reception of a weak signal.
SQL Enables squelch circuit to help reduce background noise in a normal operation.
GD The main receiver and transmitter are automatically tuned to the guard frequency and the guard receiver is disabled. GD position it not functional with the CNI knob in BACKUP (AUX COMM panel).
COMM 2 Mode Rotary push switch
(3x45 deg)
Push Depressing the knob transmit a VHF tone.
OFF Disables squelch circuit to permit reception of a weak signal.
SQL Enables squelch circuit to help reduce background noise in a normal operation.
GD The main receiver and transmitter are automatically tuned to the guard frequency and the guard receiver is disabled.
SECURE VOICE Rotary pot 0 - INC Rotating the SECURE VOICE knob cw increases the audio volume of secure voice reception.
MSL Rotary pot 0 - INC The missile tone knob is labeled MSL and has a cw arrow pointing to INC. Rotating the knob cw increases the volume of the tone from the AIM-9 missile being monitored.
TF Rotary pot 0 - INC The TF (Terrain following) tone knob has a cw arrow pointing to INC. Rotating the knob cw increases the volume of the signal tone from the terrain following system.
THREAT Rotary pot 0 - INC The THREAT tone knob has a cw arrow pointing to INC. Rotating the knob cw increases the volume of the TWS composite tone (see RWR)

The showed panel drawing is a drawing with can be downloaded from my page Documents, plans and diagrams from the F-16.

Drawings from the Audio 1 Panel

To zoom please select the drawing with your mouse.

Pictures from the Audio 1 Panel

To zoom please select the picture with your mouse.

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